SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial for reaching a larger audience and driving more free traffic to your website. Listivo provides features and integrations to help you get the most out of your SEO efforts. In this article, we'll explore different aspects of SEO with Listivo, giving you a comprehensive look at how to optimize your site.

1. Use Yoast SEO Plugin

Listivo has its own SEO options, but you can get more using the free version of the Yoast SEO Plugin. This stable solution gives you more control over your overall SEO. We have also written many functions to make it even better in the context of search engine ads results pages. Yoast will fully help with SEO for your homepage, pages, blog, and more. On top of that, Listivo has built-in options to enhance search results, which is why we focus on this plugin. If you plan to use another plugin, such as Rank Math SEO, we do not support it, and you will need to conduct your own tests. Using multiple SEO plugins can cause conflicts and unexpected problems, so we strongly advise against it. 

2. Locate the SEO Tab

You can find the SEO settings in the Listivo Panel under the SEO tab. These options are fully built-in and do not require an additional plugin. 

3. Use SEO-Friendly URLs

Customize your URL slugs for search results and single ad pages to make them more SEO-friendly. 

Additionally, check our article about breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs are important because they help users navigate your site and improve the structure of your URLs, making them more relevant for search engines 

4. Optimize Your Search Engine H1, Description, SEO Title, and SEO Description

Your website mainly focuses on displaying ads, and ads can be categorized. Our system will help you achieve more with your search results page by creating microlandings with their own H1, description, meta titles, and meta descriptions.

5. Consider Auto Generating Titles for Ads

Some types of websites may benefit from creating ad titles automatically. For example, in the automotive sector, your ad titles can be named using custom fields to create a format like Make + Model + Year (e.g., BMW X7 2024). Consider if it is worth implementing this on your website.

6. Optimize Images

Listivo has a built-in, modern thumbnail system designed to reduce loading times, ensuring optimal ad image width and height without any extra effort on your part. Additional lazy loading is not necessary because ad images load automatically when the website is ready, reducing the initial loading time.

7. Increase Site Speed

Use recommended, popular caching plugins to improve load times. 

8. Learn SEO from Established Sources

Here is a list of recommended SEO blogs to learn more: