This guide will walk you through translating or renaming elements within your Listivo theme.

1. Set Correct Site Language

Go to wp-admin > Settings > General > Site Language. Set the correct language for your site. It can be English or any other language.


2. Customize Static Texts

Go to Listivo Panel > Translate/Rename. In this section, you can translate or rename all static texts to your desired language. 

This module also allows you to rename slugs, which are important for your URL structure.

3. Customizing Texts for Custom Fields, Their Options, and Placeholders

Read this article to learn how to translate fields, options, and their placeholders on search forms, add ad forms, and more: 

4. Change Texts on Elementor Widgets

Listivo pages and templates use Elementor Widgets, which include some texts that cannot be found in Listivo Panel > Translate/Rename. This approach is beneficial because Elementor Widgets provide greater design freedom and having access to text directly in the widget allows you to modify it with a live preview, so you don't have to search for it in the backend.

4.1. Find the page you want to modify (e.g., Homepage) and click the "Edit with Elementor" button.

Alternatively, you can click this button when viewing a page.

The Elementor Page Builder will open, allowing you to edit any content as needed.

4.2. Customize Text on Single Ad Template and Other Templates

Go to Listivo Panel > Templates > Ad Page and edit the active template.

Change texts that are part of widgets, such as the label above the Ad Description

 or any other widget like "User Ads."

5. Contact Form 7 Text Customization

Please check this separate article about customizing Contact Form texts: Contact Form 7 Text Customization

6. MailChimp (MC4WP) Newsletter Text Customization

Please check this separate article about Mailchimp integration: Mailchimp Integration with MC4WP Plugin: A Step-by-Step Guide

7. Translating Search Form H1

Please check this separate article about customizing Search Form H1 Texts: Changing Search Form H1 (Classified Ads, Real Estate, etc.)