This guide will walk you through the process of translating or renaming elements within your Listivo theme. Keep in mind that some items may need to be translated or renamed separately. Follow the steps below to customize your theme's language and labels.


Step 1: Translate Static Texts

a. Navigate to Listivo Panel > Translate/Rename. 

b. In this section, you can translate or rename all static texts to your desired language

This module also enables you to rename slugs. Slugs are an essential component of your URL structure.

Step 2: Translate Custom Fields

a. Navigate to Listivo Panel > Custom Fields

b. Edit each custom field by clicking on it

c. Translate or rename the field labels and update the slugs accordingly

Step 3: Translate Listing Category Names (Terms)

Click on 'Listings' and then, in the sidebar, select the category options you would like to edit or simply add a new one.

Step 4: Translate Elementor Pages

To translate an Elementor page, navigate to your WordPress dashboard and select Pages. Find the page you wish to translate (e.g., Homepage) and click the "Edit with Elementor" button.

Alternatively you can use this button when viewing a page:

The Elementor Page Builder will open, allowing you to edit any content as desired, such as:

Step 5: Translating Contact Form

Edit the contact form you want to modify, for example:

You will see an editor like this:

Listivo Contact Form code appears more complex than the standard Contact Form 7, but don't worry. This complexity is due to the added styling, such as SVG icons for improved readability, an animated button, and a special grid to display fields side-by-side. The additional code around the fields helps create an appealing appearance like this:

Locate the texts you want to edit (e.g., by using CTRL + F or by scrolling):

and after scrolling

Next, you can modify the email structure

and messages:

Please note that some demos include multiple contact forms, and you may need to edit all the forms you use:

Step 6: Translating MailChimp Subscription

We are referring to widget that allows collect user emails. It may look similar to this one:

You can change the placeholder text by editing the placeholder attribute, for example, changing placeholder="Email" to placeholder="Enter your email address":

This change will make it appear like this:

Check other tabs for additional options, such as: