This article provides a detailed guide on the options available under Listivo Panel > Advanced > Settings. It includes instructions for setting up Additional Search Pages and creating custom Login and Registration pages that are separate from each other. It also explains all other options available.

Please remember that after the demo import, all settings are configured correctly and should generally not be changed, except in specific scenarios. Below, we will describe what each option does.

1. Additional Search Pages

WordPress supports one search page per custom post type. For example, see However, some website owners want multiple search pages, such as an additional map search page like Even though it is impossible to create a unique search page per term (e.g., have different search pages for Vehicles and Real Estate, as the system supports only one main search), you may still find it useful in some cases. For example, if the map search is secondary but you still wish to link it somewhere, such as from the menu. To handle this, create a new page via Elementor and place any of the following widgets on that page:

  • Search
  • Search V2
  • Search Map

Then, select this newly created page with one of these widgets in the "Additional Search Pages" option. After selecting the new page, all search options will work correctly, especially breadcrumbs. This approach avoids loading unnecessary assets globally, improving Listivo's overall speed. You need to manually set which page is an additional search page.

2. Panel Page

Here you select the page that contains the "Panel" widget. This is required if you use the front-end panel, as many functions across your website will redirect to that page. Examples include clicking "Add new ad" in the menu, logging in after a confirmation link, or using the monetization system.

3. Compare Page

Select the compare page so the Floating Bar across your website knows where to redirect users.

4. Login Page and Register Page

By default, the menu has Login | Register links that go to the same page with a widget containing tabs.

If you prefer separate pages for login and registration, select the new page where each link needs to redirect. This way, your menu and other links across the website will point to your new pages. You can create a new page dedicated to registration by creating a new Elementor page and adding the "Login & Register" widget. This widget has an option called "Type" that allows you to specify it as both Login and Register (tabs), only Login, or only Register, as shown in the screenshot below.

5. Blog

Select your general blog page so widgets about posts know where to redirect users if they click, for example, the View All button, as shown in the section below.

6. 404 Page

If a page does not exist (e.g., an ad was removed), you can redirect users to a specific page 

7. Contact User Form

Select the default Contact Form 7 form used on the single ad page user widget after clicking the "E-mail" button. 

It will open the chosen contact form in a popup.

8. Legacy Mode

Do not enable this option. It should remain unchecked. It is only for those who migrated from Listivo 1.0 to Listivo 2.0 to support old widgets. It is not designed to work with the new Listivo 2.X theme and is intended for legacy functions only. If you turn it on (check it), it can create styling problems in the new Listivo version.