There are 4 social logins available
In this article we will explain how to configure Social Login for our domain:
1. Facebook
1. We visit
2. Hover My Apps and click "Add New App"
3. Choose (1) Display Name, (2) type your email and (3) Create APP ID
4. Setup Facebook Login
5. Choose WEB
6. Type Your Site URL (please domain only, do not type sub-folder or page link)
7. Go to Settings > Basic
8. Add domain
9. Provide Private Policy URL (it is required by Facebook to make APP Status Live) - in our case it is this page:
10. Add more information: App Icon (not required), Business use and category
11. Click Save Changes when you are done
12. Visit Advanced and set options same as demo example - it is very important to choose "Social Discovery" OFF
13. Scroll down and add domain to your domain manager
14. Type domain and set "Exact Match" + Apply
15. Visit Your Theme Options to obtain your Facebook callback link and copy it
16. Visit Facebook Login > Settings
17. Paste this link into: "Valid OAuth Redirect URIs" and set other field same way as image below
18. Save Changes
19. Copy Your APP ID and Secret Key Into ListivoTheme:
20. Change APP status
21. Confirm
2. Google Account (Gmail)
1. Visit:
2. Click "Create project" button
3. Enter a new project name
4. Visit – and Create Credentials “0Auth client ID”
5. If you do not have product name yet, you will need to click “Configure Consent Screen”. If you have it already please skip this step.
5.1. Select User Type: External
5.2. Add “App name” and “User support email”
5.3. Add authorized domain and Developer Contact Information and then click “Save and Continue”
5.4. Scopes – just click “Save and Continue”
5.5. Test Users – just click “Save and Continue”
5.6. In the last step just click “Back to Dashboard”
6. Visit – and Create Credentials “0Auth client ID”
7. Select Web application
8. Now it is the most important part of configuration. You need to add Callback URL to “Authorized redirect URLs”. You can find it in your Listivo Panel and copy / paste:
9. Because it is the most important step, before you click “Create”, please make sure:
1) you added link to “Authorized redirect URIs” section (NOT to “Authorized JavaScript origins” section)
2) you copied from Listivo Panel “Google” link NOT Facebook –
3) When you are sure about it, click “Create” button
10 . Copy Your Client ID and Your Client Secret into Listivo Panel
Please make sure you checked “Enable Google Auth” Checkbox