1. Visit Facebook For Developers Page



2. Click “Create App

3. Select “Build Connected Experiences” and click “Continue

4. Add “App Display Name” and click “Create App

5. Click “Set Up” next to “Facebook Login

6. Click WWW – Web

7. Add your Site URL – please remember to add http or https e.g.

8. Copy your OAuth Redirect URI from Listivo Panel > User Panel

9. Paste this link to Facebook Login > Settings > Valid OAuth Redirect URIs

10. Paste APP ID and APP Secret to Listivo Panel

A. Copy From Settings > Basic

B. Add to Listivo Panel > User Panel > Facebook

11. Done. You can test it now via your Facebook account you used to create Facebook APP. If you wish to make it Live and allow any Facebook User to use it:

A. (1) add privacy policy link and (2) and contact link

B. Add Data Protection Officer contact information

C. Switch it to Live

12. The good idea is also to upload App Icon (e.g. logo) – it will be visible when user is redirected to Facebook to confirm registration 

Now the Facebook login should be available on your website. 

Resolving Permission Issues in Live Mode for Facebook Login App

If your app operates smoothly in development mode but encounters problems in Live mode, the issue may stem from permissions settings.

To address this, navigate to App Review > Permissions and Features > public_profile and verify if the API calls column is active. For your app to function properly, it should be set to "Auto granted" as shown below: 

However, if you find it displayed as "Inactive(0)" like this:

This indicates that Facebook requires additional verification for your app and the problem is not related to WordPress and Listivo Theme. To resolve this issue, follow Facebook's App Review process detailed in their official documentation: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/app-review/introduction 

Facebook requires that the 'public_profile' Permissions and Features must be upgraded to "Advanced" for "Facebook Login" functionality. To enable this option, you must complete Business Verification. For more information on access levels, please consult the following resource: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/overview/access-levels/