This article will teach you how to configure Stripe access.

If you want to use subscriptions, you have to enabled it and add Stripe credentials. You will add them by Listivo Panel -> Monetization -> Stripe. 

1. Sign in to your account on or create a new account if you don't have one. 

2. To get the API key go to the developers tab. On the screens, we use test mode - only use it if you are testing the process on your website.

3. Rewrite the publishable key and the secret key to the listivo panel -> monetization -> Stripe.

4. To get the webhook secret go to the webhook tab and add endpoint. 

5. Copy the endpoint URL from wp-admin -> Listivo Panel -> Monetization -> Stripe...

6. ... and paste the endpoint URL to "add endpoint" window. You can add your own description. 

7. Select events to listen to. You have to select three of them:

- checkout.session.completed,

- invoice.paid,

- invoice.payment_failed.

8. Click on the "add endpoint" button.

9. You just created the webhook for your website. Now you have to add one more data to Listivo settings. Go to your webhook and "reveal" the signing secret.

10. Copy the signing secret to wp-admin -> Listivo Panel -> Monetization -> Stripe -> field Webhook secret and save changes.

11. Done! Now you can create subscriptions for your user - article about subscriptions.